Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My Favorite Book

Books are companions who never walk out on you. I view this maxim as extremely obvious as books have consistently been there for me. I appreciate understanding books. They have the ability to assist us with going through universes without moving from our places. Likewise, books additionally improve our creative mind. Growing up, my folks and educators consistently urged me to peruse. They showed me the significance of perusing. Consequently, I have perused a few books. Nonetheless, one blast that will consistently be my most loved is Harry Potter. It is one of the most interesting peruses of my life. I have perused every one of the books of this series, at this point I read them again as I never get exhausted of it.

Harry Potter was a progression of books wrote by one of the most famous essayists of our age, J.K. Rowling. These books feature the wizarding scene and its activities. J.K. Rowling has been so effective at weaving an image of this world, that it feels genuine. Albeit the series contains seven books, I have a specific top pick. My beloved book from the series is The Goblet of fire.

At the point when I began perusing the book, it grabbed my eye quickly. Despite the fact that I had perused every one of the past parts, none of the books grabbed my eye as this one did. It gave a bigger point of view into the wizarding scene. Something which energize me the most with regards to this book is the presentation of the other wizard schools. The idea of the Tri-wizard competition is one of the most splendid pieces I have run over in the Harry Potter series.

What's more, this book likewise contains a portion of my beloved characters. The second I read about Victor Krum's entrance, I was awed. The air and character of that character depicted by Rowling are essentially splendid. Further, it caused me to turn into a more prominent enthusiast of the series.

What Harry Potter Series Taught Me?

Despite the fact that the books are about the universe of wizards and enchantment, the Harry Potter series contains a great deal of examples for youngsters to learn. First and foremost, it shows us the significance of kinship. I have perused many books yet never gone over a fellowship like that of Harry, Hermoine, and Ron. These three musketeers stayed together all through the books and never surrendered. It showed me the worth of an old buddy.

Further, the series of Harry Potter instructed me that nobody is awesome. Everybody has great and evil inside them. We are the ones who pick what we wish to be. This aided me in settling on better decisions and improving as an individual. We perceive how the most defective characters like Snape had goodness inside them. Also, how the most pleasant ones like Dumbledore had some terrible qualities. This altered my point of view towards individuals and made me more accommodating.

At last, these books gave me trust. They showed me the significance of trust and how there is good reason to have hope. It gave me the solidarity to stick on to trust in the most frantic occasions very much like Harry did for his entire life. These are probably the most fundamental things I gained from Harry Potter.



  1. Great post❤❤❤πŸ€—πŸ€—

  2. Awww nice blog..I'm also a Harry Potter lover❤πŸ™‹

  3. Interesting one Malindu 🐰🌹

  4. I also really like the Harry potter storyπŸ₯°πŸ€ž

  5. I like it's movie more than book. A nice blog

  6. Really, I love so much Harry potter series and book.πŸ₯°πŸ˜

  7. I love harry potter. In my child hood he is my hero. But i never read the bookπŸ‘πŸ˜£

  8. One of my favourites❤❤πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Š

  9. A series of books that I also read without missing a beat at that time. Still love it❤.


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