Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Social media importance and threats

Web-based media is an instrument that is turning out to be very well known these days on account of its easy to understand highlights. Web-based media stages like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more are allowing individuals an opportunity to associate with one another across distances. At the end of the day, the entire world is readily available all gratitude to web-based media. The adolescent is particularly quite possibly the most prevailing clients of social medium. This makes you wonder that something so incredible and with such a monstrous reach can't be completely fine. Like how there are consistently different sides to a coin, the equivalent goes for web-based media. Hence, various individuals have various sentiments on this questionable subject. Thus, in this article on Social Media, we will see the benefits and hindrances of online media.

At the point when we check out the positive part of online media, we track down various benefits. The most significant being an extraordinary gadget for training. All the data one requires is only a tick away. Understudies can instruct themselves on different subjects utilizing online media.

Also, live talks are currently conceivable due to online media. You can go to a talk occurring in America while sitting in sri lanka. Moreover, as an ever increasing number of individuals are removing themselves from papers, they are relying upon online media for news. You are constantly refreshed on the most recent happenings of the world through it. An individual turns out to be all the more socially mindful of the issues of the world. Moreover, it fortifies bonds with your friends and family. Distance isn't a boundary any longer on account of online media. For example, you can without much of a stretch speak with your companions and family members abroad. Above all, it additionally gives an extraordinary stage to youthful maturing craftsmen to grandstand their ability free of charge. You can get incredible freedoms for work through online media as well. Another benefit most certainly helps organizations who wish to advance their brands. Web-based media has turned into a center point for publicizing and offers you extraordinary freedoms for associating with the client.

In spite of enjoying such interesting benefits, online media is viewed as one of the most hurtful components of society. If the utilization of web-based media isn't observed, it can prompt grave results. It is destructive in light of the fact that it attacks your security more than ever. The oversharing occurring via web-based media makes youngsters an objective for hunters and programmers. It additionally prompts cyberbullying which influences any individual essentially. Subsequently, the sharing via web-based media particularly by kids should be observed consistently. Next up is the expansion of online media which is very normal among the adolescent.

This habit hampers with the scholastic presentation of an understudy as they squander their energy via online media as opposed to contemplating. Web-based media additionally makes shared breaks. Counterfeit word is gotten out with its utilization, which harms the psyche of harmony cherishing residents.

To put it plainly, doubtlessly online media enjoys the two benefits and detriments. Yet, everything relies upon the client toward the end. The adolescent should especially make a harmony between their scholarly exhibitions, proactive tasks, and web-based media. Overabundance utilization of anything is destructive and exactly the same thing applies to online media. In this manner, we should endeavor to carry on with a wonderful existence with the right equilibrium.

Significance of Water

Water is the fundamental need for the working of all life frames that exist on the planet. Most would agree that water is the explanation for earth being the main planet to help life. This general dissolvable is one of the significant assets we have on this planet. It is unthinkable for life to work without water. All things considered, it makes for practically 70% of the earth. In any case, regardless of its huge plenitude, water is a lot of restricted. It is a non-inexhaustible asset. What's more, we should understand the way that in spite of the fact that there is a wealth of water, not every last bit of it is protected to burn-through. We infer some exceptionally fundamental uses from the water consistently.

In the event that we talk about our own lives, water is the establishment of our reality. The human body needs water for the everyday endurance. We might have the option to get by with practically no nourishment for an entire week except for without water, we will not make due for 3 days. Also, our body itself includes 70% water. This, thusly, assists our body with working regularly. Along these lines, the absence of adequate water or utilization of tainted water can cause genuine medical issues for people. In this way, the sum and nature of water which we devour is fundamental for our actual wellbeing in addition to wellness.

Further, our day by day exercises are fragmented without water. Regardless of whether we talk about getting up toward the beginning of the day to brush or preparing our food, it is similarly significant. This homegrown utilization of water makes us extremely reliant upon this straightforward chemical. In expansion, for a huge scope, the ventures devour a ton of water. They need water for pretty much every progression of their cycle. It fundamental for the development of the merchandise we utilize each day. If we look past human uses, we will acknowledge how water assumes a significant part in each living creature’s life. It is the home of sea-going creatures. From a little creepy crawly to a whale, each life form needs water to survive. Therefore, we perceive how people as well as plants and creatures also require water. The earth relies upon water to work. We can't be egotistical and go through it for our utilizations without thinking often about the climate.

Water isn't just needed for our endurance yet for a sound and cheerful life also. Everybody has seen the situation of water-denied nations like Africa, where residents are having a hopeless existence. It is the ideal opportunity for everybody to awaken and understand the desperation of saving water. In different words, a world without water would make humankind difficult to endure. The equivalent can be said for every one of the creatures and plants. Indeed, the entire earth will endure without water.

Monday, December 6, 2021


Music is something that we as a whole appreciate over the span of our lives. It is the sound that is united through a concordance of instruments and performing voices. It is something that is essential for us since the time we enter this world. Our moms, fathers and grandparents sing us bedtime songs with the goal that we can rest calmly. In the mornings, we pay attention to the birds peeping and the leaves of plants and trees stirring, and surprisingly this resembles exactly what we wanted to hear. Music is all over, and you should simply open up your ears to hear it.

The individuals who realize how to make music utilizing instruments and their own bodies are called performers. There are various types of instruments – percussion, string, metal, woodwind and piano/console. Percussion instruments incorporate drums, bongos, the triangle, tambourine, tabla, dholak, and so on and they are the ones liable for giving the fundamental beat to a tune. String instruments incorporate the harp, guitar, cello, violin, and so on and they give mood to the music.

Metal instruments allude to those that you need to play with your mouth, like the trombone, trumpet, the French horn, and so on in these instruments, you blow air into the instruments to make vibrations. Woodwind instruments follow a comparative idea utilizing air/wind, then again, actually these instruments are made of wood and the sound profile is more shrill than metal, for instance, the flute. The piano/console comprises of a bunch of keys that have a scope of pitches.

At the point when performers put at least one of these sounds together in concordance, it makes what we know as music. Notwithstanding, that is not all to it; music can be even one of those instruments, like the playing of a guitar, a pleasant tune on the piano, an infectious beat on the bongos, and so on At the point when you add one more voice to an instrument, it is called singing and is an indispensable piece of the music. At the point when individuals who play various instruments meet up to play them together, it is known as a band.

There are various kinds of music, as well, like stone, pop, old style, blues, jazz, R&B, hip-bounce, and so forth these classes of music are described by how the instruments cooperate. For instance, exciting music is regularly stronger and has more articulated percussion and string instruments, while jazz is a classification where the saxophone is extremely predominant. In this day and age, we see a ton of mixes of types like pop-rock, old style rock, and so forth One of the most current kinds of music is electronic dance music (EDM) which comprises of noisy percussive beats and is extremely famous to youngsters.

They say that music is an all-inclusive language, implying that you don't really have to comprehend the words in a melody to partake in the music. Along these lines, music interfaces individuals all around the world with its general language. I love paying attention to music particularly due to this explanation. Music has the ability to join individuals, reconcile, cause us to feel comprehended; it is something worth talking about to move to, bond over, and even pay attention to when alone. Music isn't simply solid, it is its own language and it imparts so a lot; it is something lovely.💗


Effect of Globalization on Sri Lanka

These days "Globalization" is the most famous word in the media. Individuals characterize globalization in various ways. Everybody ought to know about the possibility of globalization since it is a persuasive interaction for every one of the individuals in the present just as future and future people are likewise being impacted. Globalization is a course of cooperation and combination among individuals, organizations, and states of various countries, a cycle driven by worldwide exchange and speculation and helped by data innovation.

In world history globalization is available. It is demonstrated through the Roman Empire which was globalized, the Arab realm that united in logical things and the social and financial impacts that spread from Italy during the Renaissance which is called as "the early present day time frame" by students of history. Globalization has coordinated the world financially, socially, strategically and socially through the advances in innovation, transportation, and correspondence. These days’ individuals can have associations with various areas of the planet which helps individuals all throughout the planet to combine their hands.

There large numbers of benefits and inconveniences of globalization. Expansion in deregulation, decrease of war, evacuation of social obstructions are a few benefits noted by Collins. Globalization has impacted the schooling as it spreads across the globe and it has become easy to get the best training capabilities. Due to globalization in schooling, non-communicating in English nations can learn and communicate in English. Work openings are considered as one of the significant advantages of globalization. Global exchange has become more cutthroat and it is driving towards the development of excellent items.

Impediments of globalization are the decrease of work cost and strength of created nations in lacking nations as per these days world. Created nations can exploit immature nations' powerless administrative laws as far as ecological security. Some different impediments are the reduction of natural uprightness, sway on the climate and increment of the deregulation between nations. Deregulation has permitted financial backers in very much created countries to put resources into emerging nations and gain benefits as far as capital. Colossal organizations from created countries have extraordinary adaptability to work in different nations.

Globalization has affected Sri Lanka in numerous ways. When looking at past and the present of Sri Lankan economy, culture, society, innovation, and instruction areas, there is a gigantic variety that can be seen obviously. Globalization of Sri Lanka, here and there it has great impacts just as terrible impacts that have created different issues. At the point when we are taking the verifiable foundation of globalization, it is clarified how the data innovation (IT) advancements over the most recent twenty years have capably fueled globalization in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has for quite some time been a piece of globalization as an emerging nation in political, innovation, monetary and social areas before the LTTE common conflict.

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer behavior

Businesses depend on customer’s It is useful for businesses to study customer behavior. Businesses can stay in the market by maintaining customer relationships by supplying products or services to the market to meet demand. Here the business needs to study the customer's attitude, desires, likes and dislikes as well as the buying pattern. The covid crisis is changing the economy as well as socially. This crisis directly affects consumer attitudes towards consumer buying behavior patterns.During this covid season, the consumer is tempted to buy products that meet only the basic requirements. Unemployment, inflation, declining consumer purchasing power, etc. are the main reasons for changing consumer behavior.

During this period, when choosing services produced for the customer, the customer is concerned about the amount spent on the product, the brand of the product services, the quality as well as the customer satisfaction.Here we can see a change in consumer buying patterns due to cuts in consumer salaries etc.

Many consumers order goods from home at supermarkets or wholesale outlets through online technology. Due to this online technology, customers are reluctant to go to retail outlets. It also expands the customer's choice by enabling them to search for sales prices of products in several zones through websites.

Under this epidemic there was a breakdown of agriculture and the difficulty of transporting agricultural produce to the consumer under lockdown conditions. As a result, there was a shortage in the market for agro products and due to the increase in the prices of agro products, the consumer purchases of agro products decreased slightly. In this epidemic situation, consumers are refusing to buy products that are sold on the sidewalks due to the tendency to buy healthier products. Demand for public transport and oil declined due to the reduction in customer travel under lockdown conditions.

Here the education system was converted to an online system under covid conditions. As a result, consumers are increasingly buying computers, cell phones, and other electronics. There was also a huge demand for the services of telecommunications companies.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Vesak festival

My favorite sport cricket

The game comprises of two groups with 11 players each. The game is played on a recorded with a rectangular 22-yard long pitch at the middle. There are wickets at the two finishes. The pitch is the place where the batsmen stand, and the bowler bowls the ball. A coin throw happens before the match starts. The group skippers do the coin throw. The skipper that successes will pick what they need to do first. Each group needs to bat and bowl. 2 batsmen are permitted on the field and attempt to score a lot of runs. The bowling crew attempts to bowl them out to forestall this. A batsman can score a limit of 6 runs in a single ball. A bowler can astonish six balls in each. Umpires ensure that players adhere to the guidelines of the game. There are two umpires on the field, one that stands on the bowler's end and one more that stands on the square leg. These days there is a third umpire off the ground just as a match arbitrator.

The group that bats first sets an objective score which the opposite side should pursue down. On the off chance that the group pursues down the score, they win. On the off chance that the scores are tied, a last over brought the very over is played by the sides. The group that scores the most noteworthy runs or pursues down the objective score wins. If there should arise an occurrence of climate issues, then, at that point, the match is either dropped or the Duckworth-Lewis strategy is taken on. Here the score of the groups finally over that was played is thought about. The group with the most elevated runs wins.

Cricket has three organizations T20, ODI and test. T20, otherwise called 20-20 is played for 20 overs by each group like IPL or Indian Premier League. ODI or One Day International is played for 50 over by each group and keeps going the entire day. The test design is played for five days by the two groups with no less than 90 overs each day.

The principal rounds of cricket were played in the sixteenth century in England and are the public game of England. All through the nineteenth century, it spread all through the world. Cricket is amazingly famous in India, England and Australia just as in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, West Indies, Bangladesh, South Africa, and so forth the administering body is the International Cricket Council or ICC that makes the principles.

Cricket draws in many individuals. Kids play the game in the city and in huge open grounds. At the point when cricket matches occur, the arenas are loaded up with energetic fans, and they cheer noisy for their groups, which energizes the players. Numerous families sit before the TV and watch the entire game with numerous feelings and good health. Today even ladies play cricket, and ladies' cricket is gradually acquiring notoriety.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My Favorite Book

Books are companions who never walk out on you. I view this maxim as extremely obvious as books have consistently been there for me. I appreciate understanding books. They have the ability to assist us with going through universes without moving from our places. Likewise, books additionally improve our creative mind. Growing up, my folks and educators consistently urged me to peruse. They showed me the significance of perusing. Consequently, I have perused a few books. Nonetheless, one blast that will consistently be my most loved is Harry Potter. It is one of the most interesting peruses of my life. I have perused every one of the books of this series, at this point I read them again as I never get exhausted of it.

Harry Potter was a progression of books wrote by one of the most famous essayists of our age, J.K. Rowling. These books feature the wizarding scene and its activities. J.K. Rowling has been so effective at weaving an image of this world, that it feels genuine. Albeit the series contains seven books, I have a specific top pick. My beloved book from the series is The Goblet of fire.

At the point when I began perusing the book, it grabbed my eye quickly. Despite the fact that I had perused every one of the past parts, none of the books grabbed my eye as this one did. It gave a bigger point of view into the wizarding scene. Something which energize me the most with regards to this book is the presentation of the other wizard schools. The idea of the Tri-wizard competition is one of the most splendid pieces I have run over in the Harry Potter series.

What's more, this book likewise contains a portion of my beloved characters. The second I read about Victor Krum's entrance, I was awed. The air and character of that character depicted by Rowling are essentially splendid. Further, it caused me to turn into a more prominent enthusiast of the series.

What Harry Potter Series Taught Me?

Despite the fact that the books are about the universe of wizards and enchantment, the Harry Potter series contains a great deal of examples for youngsters to learn. First and foremost, it shows us the significance of kinship. I have perused many books yet never gone over a fellowship like that of Harry, Hermoine, and Ron. These three musketeers stayed together all through the books and never surrendered. It showed me the worth of an old buddy.

Further, the series of Harry Potter instructed me that nobody is awesome. Everybody has great and evil inside them. We are the ones who pick what we wish to be. This aided me in settling on better decisions and improving as an individual. We perceive how the most defective characters like Snape had goodness inside them. Also, how the most pleasant ones like Dumbledore had some terrible qualities. This altered my point of view towards individuals and made me more accommodating.

At last, these books gave me trust. They showed me the significance of trust and how there is good reason to have hope. It gave me the solidarity to stick on to trust in the most frantic occasions very much like Harry did for his entire life. These are probably the most fundamental things I gained from Harry Potter.


My favorite hobby.

A diversion is a movement' in spare time. Man in modem times is terribly occupied. Life is no life in case it is brimming with care. One...